Futures Trades

Friday, April 21, 2006


YM swing long closed +107

Re comment box:
"21 Apr 06, 14:07
Spikefader: OK, I'm out +107 on the 1st position and -6 on that add. Scalp short bias now. Bull has some work to do."
Closed it at 11368 today during the afternoon swoon search for support. I think I erred in my targetting today. At one point I had added at 11408 and got to +27 on the add and +174 on the initial. There's 200 points. So I gave away almost half of that while holding in green hope again. I think I have a green hope addiction hehe. What do yall think? Leave a comment in the box; should I be targeting shorter? Had I been doing that the last month I'd have been much more successful.

Great trading today with that short Tom. You really judged that one to perfection. The system favored your view which was excellent to see. Your YM trading is goin' great by the looks of it. And you're not even able to watch them hehe. You're like a blind pro juggler! hehe

Good weekends all.

Click for chart

YM add 2 stopped for -1 later in the day

Click for chart

YM 1st add

Previous add that got tagged out for a push later in the day:

Click for chart

Breakout today

hourly breakout chart

daily breakout chart

Considering the breakout follows a move off a "C" area the chances are very good for more impulsiveness to occur.

No signals from the system yet this morning.

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